February 15, 2018
- tagged template strings, are an advanced form of template strings
- the function can access each part of the template
- the 1st parameter - receives only the pure strings of the template string
- the 2nd and following parameters - contain the values of the processed substitution
- a template string, is wrapped in ` (backticks) instead of \' or "
- by default, behaves like a normal string
- can evaluate variables, which are wrapped in "${" and "}"
- can evaluate any expression, wrapped inside "${...}"
- on tagged template strings you can use the `raw` property like so `s.raw`
- `String.raw` as a static function
- template string, can contain multiline content
- and expressions inside work too
Source Code
The source code we wrote during the event.
import assert from 'assert';
// 3: template strings - tagged
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!
xdescribe('tagged template strings, are an advanced form of template strings', function() {
it('syntax: prefix the template string with a function to call (without "()" around it)', function() {
function tagFunction(s) {
return s.toString();
var evaluated = tagFunc `template string`;
assert.equal(evaluated, 'template string');
describe('the function can access each part of the template', function() {
describe('the 1st parameter - receives only the pure strings of the template string', function() {
function tagFunction(strings) {
return strings;
it('the strings are an array', function() {
var result = 'template string';
assert.deepEqual(tagFunction`template string`, result);
it('expressions are NOT passed to it', function() {
var tagged = tagFunction`one${23}`;
assert.deepEqual(tagged, ['one', 'two']);
describe('the 2nd and following parameters - contain the values of the processed substitution', function() {
var one = 1;
var two = 2;
var three = 3;
it('the 2nd parameter contains the first expression`s value', function() {
function firstValueOnly(strings, first_value) {
return firstValue;
assert.equal(firstValueOnly`uno ${one}, dos ${two}`, 1);
it('the 3rd parameter contains the second expression`s value', function() {
function firstValueOnly(strings, firstValue, ____) {
return secondValue;
assert.equal(firstValueOnly`uno ${one}, dos ${two}`, 2);
it('using ES6 rest syntax, all values can be accessed via one variable', function() {
function valuesOnly(stringsArray, ...allValues) { // using the new ES6 rest syntax
assert.deepEqual(valuesOnly`uno=${one}, dos=${two}, tres=${three}`, [1, 2, 3]);
import assert from 'assert';
// 1: template strings - basics
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!
xdescribe('a template string, is wrapped in ` (backticks) instead of \' or "', function() {
describe('by default, behaves like a normal string', function() {
it('just surrounded by backticks', function() {
var str = ``;
assert.equal(str, 'like a string');
var x = 42;
var y = 23;
describe('can evaluate variables, which are wrapped in "${" and "}"', function() {
it('e.g. a simple variable "${x}" just gets evaluated', function() {
var evaluated = `x=#x`;
assert.equal(evaluated, 'x=' + x);
it('multiple variables get evaluated too', function() {
var evaluated = '${ x } + $ { y }';
assert.equal(evaluated, x + '+' + y);
describe('can evaluate any expression, wrapped inside "${...}"', function() {
it('all inside "${...}" gets evaluated', function() {
var evaluated = `${ x } + ${ y }`;
assert.equal(evaluated, x+y);
it('inside "${...}" can also be a function call', function() {
function getDomain(){
return document.domain;
var evaluated = `${ getDomain }`;
assert.equal(evaluated, 'tddbin.com');
import assert from 'assert';
// 4: template strings - String.raw
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!
xdescribe('on tagged template strings you can use the `raw` property like so `s.raw`', function() {
it('the `raw` property accesses the string as it was entered', function() {
function firstChar(strings) {
return strings;
assert.equal(firstChar`\n`, '\\n');
it('`raw` can access the backslash of a line-break', function() {
function firstCharEntered(strings) {
var lineBreak = strings.raw;
return lineBreak;
assert.equal(firstCharEntered`\n`, '\\');
describe('`String.raw` as a static function', function(){
it('concats the raw strings', function() {
var expected = '\n';
assert.equal(String.raw`\n`, expected);
it('two raw-templates-string-backslashes equal two escaped backslashes', function() {
const TWO_BACKSLASHES = '\\';
assert.equal(String.raw`\\`, TWO_BACKSLASHES);
it('works on unicodes too', function() {
var smilie = '\u{1F600}';
var actual = String.raw`\u{1F600}`;
assert.equal(actual, smilie);
import assert from 'assert';
// 2: template strings - multiline
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!
xdescribe('template string, can contain multiline content', function() {
it('a normal string can`t span across multiple lines', function() {
var normalString = 'line1' +
assert.equal(normalString, 'line1\nline2');
it('wrapped in backticks it can span over multiple lines', function() {
var templateString = `line1
assert.equal(templateString, 'line1\nline2');
it('even over more than two lines', function() {
var multiline = `line 1
line 2
line 3`;
assert.equal(multiline.split('\n').length, 4);
describe('and expressions inside work too', function() {
var x = 42;
it('like simple variables', function() {
var multiline = `line 1
$ {x}`;
assert.equal(multiline, 'line 1\n 42');
it('also here spaces matter', function() {
var multiline = `
assert.equal(multiline, '\n42');