November 19, 2020
- Tagged templates - what the function`s signature
- What does it return?
Source Code
The source code we wrote during the event.
import assert from 'assert';
describe('Tagged templates - what the function`s signature', () => {
it('the number of arguments is 2 for one substitute', () => {
let expectedArgs = undefined;
const fn = (...args) => { expectedArgs = args; };
const x = 1;
assert.equal(expectedArgs.length, 2);
it('the first argument is an array with only the template string', () => {
let expectedArgs = undefined;
const fn = (...args) => { expectedArgs = args; };
fn`template string`;
assert.deepEqual(expectedArgs[0], ['template string']);
it('a tagged template without substitutes has only 1 argument', () => {
let expectedArgs = undefined;
const fn = (...args) => { expectedArgs = args; };
fn`template string`;
assert.strictEqual(expectedArgs.length, 1);
it('a substitute is NOT part of the first argument', () => {
let expectedArgs = undefined;
const fn = (...args) => { expectedArgs = args; };
fn`template ${42} string`;
assert.deepEqual(expectedArgs[0], ['template ', ' string']);
it('the first substitute is the second argument', () => {
let expectedArgs = undefined;
const fn = (...args) => { expectedArgs = args; };
fn`template ${42} string`;
assert.deepEqual(expectedArgs[1], 42);
it('the second substitute is the third argument', () => {
let expectedArgs = undefined;
const fn = (...args) => { expectedArgs = args; };
fn`template ${42} string ${23}`;
assert.deepEqual(expectedArgs[2], 23);
it('using a number as a tagged literal throws TypeError', () => {
const number = 7;
assert.throws(() => {
}, TypeError);
it('using an array as a tagged literal throws TypeError', () => {
const arr = [7];
assert.throws(() => {
}, TypeError);
it('using an anonymous arrow fn as a tagged literal does not throw', () => {
assert.doesNotThrow(() => {
describe('What does it return?', () => {
it('the return value of the tagged template is the return value of the function', () => {
const x = {a: 42};
const fn = () => x;
const result = fn``;
assert.strictEqual(result, x);
it('the return value of the tagged template is the not-mutated return value of the function', () => {
const x = {a: 42};
const fn = () => x;
const result = fn``;
assert.deepEqual(result, {a: 42});
it('four backticks trick', () => {
const fn = () => () => 42;
assert.strictEqual(fn````, 42);
it('"async somehow"', () => {
const fn = async () => 42;
assert(fn`` instanceof Promise);
it('when the function throws it throws', () => {
const fn = () => { throw RangeError(); };
assert.throws(() => { fn``; }, RangeError);